Getting started with NUMBERS

Chapter 1  : Fundamentals

1.1 Startup

1.1.1 Managing rows and columns

1.1.2 Equalizing rows or columns size

1.1.3 Actions with rows or columns

1.1.4 Creating and manipulating sheets

1.2 Formatting Cells

1.2.1 The default display with styles

1.2.2 Formatting a range

1.2.3 The grid

1.2.4 Coloring the cells

1.3 The different formats

1.3.1 The number format

1.3.2 The date format

1.3.3 The Tickbox format

1.3.4 The star rating format

1.3.5 The Slider format

1.3.6 The Steeper format

1.3.7 The Pop-Up menu format

1.4 Shortcuts to select cells

1.5 Copying values, dates or formulas

1.5.1 Copying Values

1.5.2 Copying dates

1.5.3 Performing a simple formula

1.5.4 Formulas with the $

1.6 Moving cells and tables

1.7 Calculations between several tables

1.8 The functions

1.9 Saving your work


1.10.1 Author name and color

1.10.2 Managing comments

1.10.3 Printing comments

Chapter 2 : Printing

2.1 The print preview

2.2 The header and the footer

2.2.1 Adding a header or a footer

2.2.2 Inserting a page number

2.2.3 Modifying the Footer/Header size

2.3 Printing several pages

2.4 Printing ranges of cells

Chapter 3 : Filters, categories and highlighting

3.1 Filters

3.1.1 Filtering on texts by the panel

3.1.2 Deactivating or removing a filter

3.1.3 A quick filter

3.1.4 Multi-column filters

3.1.5 The different filter rules

3.2 Categories

3.2.1 Setting up groups

3.2.2 Inserting a subtotal in the category 

3.2.3 Deleting a category

3.2.4 Counting elements in a category

3.2.5 A Category by date

3.2.6 Multiple Categories

3.3 Conditional highlighting

Chapter 4 : Enhanced functions

4.1 The IF function

4.1.1 The operators with IF

4.1.2 An IF function with an AND operator

4.1.3 An IF with a date

4.2 The VLOOKUP function

4.2.1 VLOOKUP for a scale

4.2.2 VLOOKUP with several sheets

4.2.3 The IFERROR function

4.2.4 One IFERROR and two VLOOKUP

4.2.5 VLOOKUP with a wildcard character

4.3 The INDEX/MATCH binomial

4.4 The COUNTIF and COUNTIFS functions

4.4.1 Counting with one criterion

4.4.2 Counting with several criteria

4.5 The functions SUMIF and SUMIFS

4.5.1 SUMIF with a condition

4.5.2 SUMIFS with several conditions

4.5.3 SUMIF with dates

4.6 Date functions

4.6.1 Extracting parts of a date

4.6.2 Comparing two dates with DATEDIF

4.7 The text functions

Chapter 5 : Charts

5.1 Creating a Chart

5.1.1 A column 2D chart

5.1.2 Adding a trendline

5.1.3 Adding value labels

5.1.4 Other 2D graphics

5.2 Some 3D charts

5.3 Interactive graphics

5.4 The chart icon

Chapter 6 : Shapes, media and templates

6.1 Inserting shapes

6.1.1 Lines

6.1.2 Shapes

6.1.3 Inserting an image into a cell

6.2. Media files

6.2.1 Inserting an audio file

6.2.2 Inserting an existing video file

6.3 Templates

6.3.1 The Personal Budget template

6.3.2 The Invoice template